Arrow keys: move | Shift: run | Space: jump | M: mute | Fun: have some :)
Things you edit here will not be saved, see more notes below the editor.
Notes about the editor:
- All edits you make are performed only in your browser, they will not be saved, you should copy the contents occasionally to not lose all your changes if something goes wrong (i.e. you reload the page or your browser crashes).
- The objects are mostly 8x8 pixels in size.
- The objects of the level are defined by arrays.
- The items in the arrays are the followings:
- horizontal position (pixels),
- vertical position (pixels),
- class name of the object,
- how many of this object should be placed horizontally (optional, defaults to 1),
- how many of this object should be placed vertically (optional, defaults to 1),
- extra object properties (optional, defaults to none).
- Valid object class names are:
- gGameObjectPlayer - the player,
- gGameObjectWall - a block of wall,
- gGameObjectBlade - the blade (you can rotate it!),
- gGameObjectBladeWall - "it's a trap!",
- gGameObjectBladeBox - surprise! ^^,
- gGameObjectJumpWall - a block of wall that makes you jump,
- gGameObjectBorder - the line, don't cross it,
- gGameObjectLevelFlag - teleports you to the "next_level" object property level,
- ... you can add more by editing js/engine/game_objects.js :)
- Object properties include "rotation" which rotates the object (no shit, Sherlock!). It comes handy (and fun) when you use the blades.
- First object must be the player - this is a dumb restriction, I know.
- Did you know: the blades will kill you only if you meet their tip - otherwise you can safely pass by them.
Also, I am curious about what you create! If you think the stuff you made worth sharing, please do so!
(You can find me on Facebook.)
This project is on GitHub:
The engine and the game was first publicly shown at Function 2012.